Loading the start project and generation of processor library file for TI TMS320F2803x
Start project is located in folder of the installed program: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\NPF Mechatronica-pro\MexBIOS Development Studio\Extend\TMS320F2803x\MBS_start
The start project contains:
- initialization of the MCU periphery and system registers;
- functions for connection with PC.
NOTE: Another user’s project can be used for loading the microcontroller as “start project“.
To load the start project one need to do the following:
- Install Code Composer Studio 3.3 with all drivers that are required for TMS320F2803x.
- Open the start project from folder of the installed program: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\NPF Mechatronica-pro\MexBIOS Development Studio\Extend\TMS320F2803x\MBS_start\MBS_start.pjt
- Compile the start project by selecting Project → Build or by pressing F7 button.
- Load the start project by using On-Chip Flash Programmer utility in the following way:
- Start the On-Chip Flash Programmer.
- Select sectors for loading the start project. For TMS320F2803x processors the start project is loaded to sectors A, B, C:
NOTE: program memory map for “start project” must not extend onto location of program memory of “processor library”. Memory for location of “processor library” is defined in BlockBuilder (component MexBIOS Development Studio), page “Options” where it is possible to set the Memory Address and Size for “processor library”.
- Load the start project (by clicking Execute Operation button in On-Chip Flash Programmer dialog box).
- Message Verify operation successful indicates that loading of the start project was successfully completed:
- To generate a library file you need to use Block Builder.
- In the program window you need to select the processor type
- Start compiling the library by clicking Build All.
- After successful completion of the compilation in directory: C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\NPF Mechatronica-pro\MexBIOS Development Studio\Extend\TMS320F2803x\
the library file TMS320F2803x.out appears.
- Start On-Chip Flash Programmer:
- Select sectors for loading the library. For TMS320F2803x processors the library is loaded to sectors D, E, F, G, H:
NOTE: Memory for location of “processor library” is defined in BlockBuilder (component MexBIOS Development Studio), page “Options” where it is possible to set the Memory Address and Size for “processor library”.
- Load the library (by clicking Execute Operation in On-Chip Flash Programmer dialog box).
- Message Verify operation successful indicates that loading of the library was successfully completed:
- After successful completion of loading both the start project and the library the power of the processor needs to be reset. Thereafter the device is ready for use with MexBIOS™ Development Studio.