Guide in loading start project and block library MexBIOS Development Studio by means of plagin SAUFlash TCLXDS
To load start project and block library into memory of microcontroller by means of plugin SAUFlash TCLXDS the emulator SAU510iso version 2 should be available and the following procedure should be carried out:
1. Go to inlay Edit of main menu.
2. Click the drop-down menu of button Program.
Fig. 1. Starting plugin SAUFlash TCLXDS
3. Click item SAUFlash TCLXDS.
4. The plugin dialog box will appear, as shown in fig. 2:
Fig. 2. Dialog box of plugin SAUFlash TCLXDS
5. You need to change first argument of Command line to sau510isov2.
Fig. 3. Changing settings of Command line
6. Click button Select ? OK. Changes of Command line will be saved.
7. Open again the plugin dialog box.
8. Connect the emulator to the board and power-up the board.
9. Output files are already selected by default. If other files need to be selected for loading, you need to click the file selection button

10. Then you need to click button Program on the right of item File of main assembly (loading the block library). The loading process will be displayed in a window.
Fig. 4. Result of successful loading
11. If a user section is used, then you need to click button Program on the right of item File of user assembly (loading the user’s block library).
12. Click button Program on the right of item File of start project (loading the start project). The loading of start project is carried out. The loading process will be displayed in a window.
The device is ready for programming (by means of) MexBIOS™ Development Studio.
Emulator SAU510USB Iso Plus Emulator can also be used jointly with other Debugging boards manufactured by NPF «Mechatronica-Pro», such as MChip80-28035, Cross-2833x, mZdsp 2812.