Use of RS-485 for communication of TE-TMS320F28335 with MexBIOS Development Studio

To realize the communication you need to do the following: 


 download file attached to this article, 

 unpack it to folder of start project: MexBIOS Development Studio\Extend\TMS320F2833x\MBS_start\src 

 replace existing in the folder file board_TE-TMS320F28335.с    by the file from the downloaded archive.

 start or activate MexBIOS Development Studio. 

 on inlay Edit click button Build. The project will be compiled.

 write the project into microcontroller by any possible technique.

 connect it to RS-485 by cable Usb-RS485.

 in connection settings select the connected port, click ок.

 click button Connect. 

 open test file 2833x_TE-TMS320F28335_TEST.mbp. 

 on inlay Device click button Load to RAM. The project will be loaded into microcontroller memory.